STS are arranged into groups. Write each groups number on the blackboard and assign a flashcard to each group. On the blackboard next to the group numbers, shuffle and place separate number cards 1~9 face down (if doing 9 groups. Adjust the maximum number to the amount of groups you are playing with. E.g if there are 5 groups, do 1~5).
ALT/JTE sets a timer and calls the target English. When the timer sounds, the last called flashcard indicates a group. This group can choose a number between 1~9. Once they have chosen the number, reveal the face down cards next to the group numbers on the blackboard. The group that has the number that was chosen is eliminated. Continue until one group remains!
- When I played this, to make the game go faster I decreased the number range the students could choose from.
- I had also 2 of each number so in some rounds, 2 groups were eliminated and in other rounds, no groups were eliminated.
- If your class has less groups than flashcards you could also assign the JTE and yourself groups (if you want to practice all your vocab).